Mar 29, 2021
Red Power Hour is back after a two month break! Guests Zitkato (@BandsIsland) and Nick Estes (@nickwestes) join #RedPowerHour co-hosts Elena Ortiz (@spiritofpopay) and Melanie Yazzie (@melanie_yazzie) to break down and take down Dances With Wolves on the 30-year anniversary of its release.
Mar 22, 2021
Sarah Hernandez interviews Kul Wicasa historian Nick Estes about his book Our History Is The Future: Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance.
More info:
Music: Frank Waln - "My Stone...
Mar 15, 2021
Guest host Zitkato (@BandsIsland) is joined by Elena Ortiz (@spiritofpopay), Demetrius and Enoch to discuss how Star Wars relates to settler colonialism.
Mar 12, 2021
A preview of some of the great bonus content available to patrons of the show. Sign up for as little as $1 and help support the Red Nation's work.
Jessica Nangauta, Maria Henandez, and Monaeka Flores from Prutehi Litekyan respond to the question, what does decolonization mean to you?
Mar 2, 2021
We talk with organizers of Prutehi Litekyan/ Save Ritidian (PLSR) about the militarization of Guam and the Chamorro people's struggles against US imperialism.