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The Red Nation Podcast

Aug 30, 2021

Red Power Hour is back! RPH host Melanie Yazzie is joined by TRN Podcast co-host Jennifer Marley (JenMarley1680) for part two of our two-part series on this summer of climate catastrophe and why Indigenous movements for decolonization are our best hope for immediate action to curb extinction.


Aug 23, 2021

In this talk, Dr. Kim TallBear (@KimTallBear) discusses the politics of Indigenous kinship in relation to settler constructs of marriage and monogamy. Dr. TallBear is a citizen of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate in South Dakota and an Associate Professor of Native Studies at the University of Alberta.

Link to the talk on...

Aug 17, 2021

Mayan activist Andrea Ixchiu (@Andreakomio) provides an overview of what is taking place in Guatemala, the demands of Indigenous communities such as calls for a plurinational government, among other topics.


Aug 17, 2021

Andrea Ixchiu, una activista maya, brinda un panorama de lo que está sucediendo en Guatemala, las demandas de las comunidades indígenas como los llamados a un gobierno plurinacional, entre otros temas.



Aug 16, 2021

Red Power Hour is back! The Red Nation podcast co-host Nick Estes (@nickwestes) joins RPH co-hosts Elena Ortiz (@spiritofpopay) and Melanie Yazzie to discuss this long hot summer of climate catastrophe and political backlash against last year’s uprising.
