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The Red Nation Podcast

Sep 11, 2023

Last month's Maui wildfires were devastating. While mainstream media covered the story, the deep Indigenous histories were lost in the news cycle. Kanaka Maoli activist and co-founder of Maui Medics Healers Hui, Noelani Ahia, joins the show, offering a grounded perspective from Maui.   

Once a cultural center of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Lahaina is at the forefront of combatting the worst kinds of disaster capitalism and plantation economies. We discuss the deep histories of Indigenous relations with land, water, and fire and the long-term vision for a just and sustainable future in the wake of catastrophe.  

Watch the video edition on The Red Nation Podcast YouTube channel

Please support the rebuilding efforts and Maui grassroots organizations:  

Maui Medics Healers Hui  

Lahaina Cultural Cener 
